Friday, October 20, 2006

Spirit Rebellious

The spirit is rebellious. I am a happy-go-lucky person. But, for some strange reason, my spirit and soul beg to differ. It seeks grief when I am at the altar of happiness. It seeks hate and doubt, when I commit myself to love. I tried to make a truce with them once. I meekly surrendered to their wishes and did as told. But, they were never satiated. I had to turn a rebel myself.
Today, when I analyse what they made me to do, I am sure of one fact. They are just as confused as I am. My soul seeks Nirvana and salvation in the heart of desire(s). My spirit goes awry at the first indication of celebration, and then wants to go back into its cocoon half way through.
They are just fooling around. They exist only to befriend me when I need them the most. They teach me unforgettable lessons, lessons I didnt opt to be taught, and wash their hands of it, deeming it as 'worthwhile experiences'.

To know who you are, you should knw who you are not.

Shoot the man who said this. He doesnt know an inkpot from a shitpot. Shoot him before he comes up with another arse numbing dose of his self-righteous sayings.

My soul searches for light at the end of the tunnel, and doesn't let me switch the torch on, for it fears the spirit's happiness would take a hit by the revealation that we took 'external assistance' to perform a task.
I was of the impression all my life until now, that these two rogues are my guides. Now i know, they are not. They are as naive as I am. They are as vulnerable as I am.

The oppressed should be taught who his real master is.

Its not god. Its not the almighty that directs my soul to choose a certain path, either of love or fear. It's me. It has taken me 21 years to realise this. But, I have realised it. I have the power. I have the choice. Its not the inner voice in me that controls me. I control my inner voice. My soul and spirit are my slaves, not my masters. They should know that. And if they don't, they fuckin will, in due course of time.



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