Monday, August 21, 2006

In Class

In Class, I close my eyes. I look aroundto see the people around me. Everyone has a story to tell, a dream to live, a desire to fulfil, a choice to make.

All 46 of us, however aimless we seem to be the moment we stepped in, are heading somewhere. Tomorrow, the entire human race, and otherwise, will be dependent on us, for whatever we have to offer to them. Be it an improvement in the way they lead their life, or, in the form of a disgrace for them to pity us, and hate us.

the world will reciprocate. Whatever we do to them, they will make sure the reaction reaches us too. If i choose to be an oppressor someday, I will be made to suffer as a victim on the other. I might be 'the single largest reason' for a nuclear war(god forbid), who knows. I believ i am capable of causing such a catastrophe. I have a sane mind in the current context of matters, but, I find it very difficult to predict the condition of my own self in the years to come. What scares me most is, the rest of the 45 are like me. They will be given a choice, a crucial one.And they 'will' choose. All Satan(and his ppl) need is, one greedy mind amongst us all.

However hard the society tries and spends on us, we fail to predict what will come of us.
We may contribute heavily to make the world a tad bit more rosy and safe.
We may help an old lady cross the road.(maybe that's all we'll ever do).
We may strive hard and help our own selves in whatever way we can, all in the permitted domain of the rules.

But, the nature works on balance. I find it hard to imagine all 46 of us going ahead with our lives and ultimately staying in the goodbooks when out time of reckoning arrives. I see atleast one of us turning evil(and a very cruel one at that), and knowingly pursuing the road to the ever hungry dragon, who'll eat my friend`s goodwill and infuse in him all hatred that my poor innocent(not anymore) friend would ever feel the need of.

I want to identify him, the villian,and, eliminate him. His parents' grief is as good having him dead as seeing him standing among 'the misguided ones'.
Now, i come to the heart of the problem. I don't know who he is. It could be my friend sitting next to me. In fact, It could 'me' for all i know.
Now that i have to choose, i want the villian of my story to be that guy i hate who sits in the front. But, the larger picture prohibits me from being assuming.
The villian should stand out form the rest of the class. I want him to show up by himself.
Come on, dude, stand up, your time(that is still to begin) is up, already.



This is what Blogger Amandeep Singh had to say..

That is life man,may be who becomes evil when and how.....

1:15 AM  

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