Monday, July 24, 2006

Reality stinks!!

After 21 years of existence, this is the one fact i have recently woken myself to. i am vulnerable. the whole of me. I have no supernatural powers(a fact i clung on to since childhood untill recently) . The world is not tailor made to suit me. There is nobody who's working overtime behind the stage for me. I am not strong enough. I am vulnerable. There is nothing special in me that makes me understand any concept any quicker than any of my clssmates. I am no close to being an ideal guy, not even qualifed to be considered as a possible candidate for the same!
I have to read a book from the first page to the very end to understand the whole logic. It takes me time to form an opinion on something(read anything).
The day i realised this, i felt hollow. I felt cheated. I felt human. What if i was wrong, what if this was just a test that every superhero has to go through, the endurance test, in order to show his mentor that he is ready. Realsing that, i felt good. I slept well that night.
The next day i woke up, the first thing i had to do was put a bucket in line with all the other ones waiting to have their share of the 'bathing' water for the day. I stood there, 16th from the door, still trying to welcome myself to the new day. Then it struck me again, which superhero has ever had to wait to have a bath!! I decided to test myself. I took my bucket and stormed into the bathroom bypassing all others waiting in front of me. the next few seconds were a blur. I was on the floor outside the bathroom with the bucket(now in a crushed state), now 25th from the front. I stared at the mere mortals in front of me and laughed at them. "I forgive you!", i said out loud, for it was not their fault, they didnt know who i really was!
They laughed back at me. "Like we care!", they said in a chorus, with a dismissive tone.
I went to class(i was late) and entered without permission. I think i heard someone shout "duck!", i was too late, the professor's duster had already left my brain waves shattered. I passed out for a few seconds. I soon opened my eyes again, only to find myself face down on the floor, outside the classroom!. I let it pass. I hurriedly went to the bathroom, cleaned myself, washed my face and went out to breathe some fresh air into my lungs.
I went into the canteen and ordered a coffee. After some infinte milliseconds later, my coffee appeared. It was a small mug, by any comparison, and that too not filled up to the brim. By the time i voiced my disapproval about the same, the coffee guy was long gone. I let this pass too. I had hardly touched my coffee(my hand had just felt the heat) that i saw a fellow student slap a lecturer and run. I ran behind him. This is my chance, i thought. This is what i was born to do, help people and catch the crooks. I caught the guy by the collar and swung him back towards me. that was the only success i could enjoy against him. I was thrashed and thrown(yes, literally thrown) across the street. I thought, my time still has not come.
My days of playing the superhero ended before they saw the light of the day(the first day)!!.
I keep a low profile nowadays. I study hard and keep myself busy with things like blogging and chatting. I realise i am human. I am vulnerable. My days are numbered. I


This is what Blogger Unknown had to say..

I dont want to think the way your post wants me to ! I have always believed that the world will one day be sorry that it could not recognize a great guy like me ! You leave me shattered really !Being a part of this whole cosmos has given me the strength and belief that i'm important, i count, i make a difference to the way things turn out in this worldremember the old line "the universe evolves with the grain of a sand" How true it is and yet how false, 'coz in the end we all know how insignificant the grain is! I guess kudos to all the heros(like you) who are still surviving, smothering somewhere only to come up one day like a volcano!

12:11 PM  
This is what Blogger pourush had to say..

thank u..yes, our day will come..

1:29 AM  
This is what Anonymous Anonymous had to say..

You have or do not have only what you belive.

3:27 AM  
This is what Blogger Unknown had to say..

remember this..everytime you went down,you got up..not because u had someone to help you up..but because you had the resolve to want to..lifes not just about believing that ure a superhero and doing crazy things like cuttin a line for the bathroom or not being able to dodge dusters.. as u have put in your blogs after this one and after reading your testimonials the world around you seems to believe that ure a believer..u live with the ability to change people's lives..the power to put a smile across a person's face and help a troubled heart..the super heroes of our time stopped fallin buildings and outta control trains..where were they when 2 planes took down the twin towers? where were they when the tsunami wrecked havoc? i agree that even our powers couldn have stopped this..but after that was people like u and me who reignited the feeling of hope in those families torn asunder.. it was people like you and me who stood up and made a difference..we might not be able to reconstruct broken buildings and damaged property..but we can repair a broken heart..this my friend is the greatest power we could all ask for..not everyone can do what you can said you keep a low profile and mind your business..good..but remember to stand up when your voice need be heard and make sure that it it from the front or from the believe that my days are numbered? probably true..but i think i'l live those few days that i have left trying to bring as many a smile i can on a stranger's face and wiping away the tears of pain from those who i can..if i can do this then i believe i have played my part as the superhero that i can must be wonderin why i have been shiftin between you and me..this is because my the end of the doesnt come down to whether you or i,are comes down to those who wear their underwears inside,but their hearts outside..they define the world is this kind of person that i see in YOU!!

11:06 PM  

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