Monday, July 24, 2006

Reality stinks!!

After 21 years of existence, this is the one fact i have recently woken myself to. i am vulnerable. the whole of me. I have no supernatural powers(a fact i clung on to since childhood untill recently) . The world is not tailor made to suit me. There is nobody who's working overtime behind the stage for me. I am not strong enough. I am vulnerable. There is nothing special in me that makes me understand any concept any quicker than any of my clssmates. I am no close to being an ideal guy, not even qualifed to be considered as a possible candidate for the same!
I have to read a book from the first page to the very end to understand the whole logic. It takes me time to form an opinion on something(read anything).
The day i realised this, i felt hollow. I felt cheated. I felt human. What if i was wrong, what if this was just a test that every superhero has to go through, the endurance test, in order to show his mentor that he is ready. Realsing that, i felt good. I slept well that night.
The next day i woke up, the first thing i had to do was put a bucket in line with all the other ones waiting to have their share of the 'bathing' water for the day. I stood there, 16th from the door, still trying to welcome myself to the new day. Then it struck me again, which superhero has ever had to wait to have a bath!! I decided to test myself. I took my bucket and stormed into the bathroom bypassing all others waiting in front of me. the next few seconds were a blur. I was on the floor outside the bathroom with the bucket(now in a crushed state), now 25th from the front. I stared at the mere mortals in front of me and laughed at them. "I forgive you!", i said out loud, for it was not their fault, they didnt know who i really was!
They laughed back at me. "Like we care!", they said in a chorus, with a dismissive tone.
I went to class(i was late) and entered without permission. I think i heard someone shout "duck!", i was too late, the professor's duster had already left my brain waves shattered. I passed out for a few seconds. I soon opened my eyes again, only to find myself face down on the floor, outside the classroom!. I let it pass. I hurriedly went to the bathroom, cleaned myself, washed my face and went out to breathe some fresh air into my lungs.
I went into the canteen and ordered a coffee. After some infinte milliseconds later, my coffee appeared. It was a small mug, by any comparison, and that too not filled up to the brim. By the time i voiced my disapproval about the same, the coffee guy was long gone. I let this pass too. I had hardly touched my coffee(my hand had just felt the heat) that i saw a fellow student slap a lecturer and run. I ran behind him. This is my chance, i thought. This is what i was born to do, help people and catch the crooks. I caught the guy by the collar and swung him back towards me. that was the only success i could enjoy against him. I was thrashed and thrown(yes, literally thrown) across the street. I thought, my time still has not come.
My days of playing the superhero ended before they saw the light of the day(the first day)!!.
I keep a low profile nowadays. I study hard and keep myself busy with things like blogging and chatting. I realise i am human. I am vulnerable. My days are numbered. I