Monday, November 19, 2007

Stupid is as Stupid does

Fact : I had 46 internals.
Fact : I had studied well for the exam.
Fact : I drank 2 ltrs of water as soon as I woke up.

The question paper was a dolly. A piece of cake like they say. A piece of cake served by a 40D topless blonde in my case!
It was that easy!
I started off well, got all the story driven 2 marks questions away with.

Suddenly, I felt a sensation below the belt.
Not alarming enough. I could 'control'. I could see through the whole question paper.

Halfway into the first long answer question, another sensation. Major crisis averted through quick feet and hand movement. Alarm bells ringing, but, I could 'control'. Self belief was as important as self-control.

Unfortunately, little did I know that the mental pumping up of the mind to keep the nature call at call-waiting would eventually work against me.

1st long answer question done away with. Enough to pass, long way to go before I do justice to the preparation I put into the paper.
Invigilator comes with an extra sheet.


No more, no more, no more...
Oops, a drop just found its way out!

Fuck the exam..

Run Forrest Run!

(Too many stairs)
(Oops, Ladies toilet)
(Paradise gates)

(singing) I dont regret running way from the exam!..And I just bought my stairway to heaven..

Ordeal Over..

Now, even though some of you may ridicule my lack of self-control or highlight my stupidity to drink so much water in the first place. I have two words for you...
"Try yourself"!!..

I dont regret my decision one bit. Infact, this is one of the best ones Ive taken all semester. The potential embarassment I would've faced is of far much greater importance than a chance to salvage my 8cgp that would've been cemented had I attempted just one more question. But...

Now thinking of it, here's a list of things I would've faced had I sat in the exam hall for another 5 minutes.

1. Name changed to Pee-rush Chowdhary.
2. Auto-Biography would've been titled - Life of pee.
3. Oh fuck! people had Camera phones in the hall! youtube people would've had a ball of a time watching this one! My 15 seconds of shame!
4. Only diapers as gifts from next birthday onwards.
5. Friends would order only Pee-salad and green pee soup for me in restaurants.

I bow to thee, mr. inventor of public toilets!!


This is what Blogger nikhil sindhwani had to say..

well... i can only say... "I UNDERSTAND"... when you wanted to stand over the urinal, there was a time when i had 32 internals, still fucked the exam and ran (seriously, i can run). it was a bigger problem though... hehe...
kudos kid, you just entered the hall of pee...

1:08 AM  
This is what Blogger Unknown had to say..

mast!!!!!!!!!!! i strongly believe tht the health ministry shuld look into dis matter n come wid a gud solution... ppl shuld hav the right to enter public toilets at any time.... thts encroachment of the citizen's rights to speech n expression!!!!!!!!!!!!!....

10:26 PM  
This is what Blogger JoblessJoe had to say..

I have had the same ex-PEE-rience myself and personally there is no feeling in the world that can match the relief you get when you empty a full bladder, not even a 10point SGPA.... So good decision Dude :-)

6:11 AM  

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